Sunday, July 25, 2010


As the summer grows old and senior year draws ever nearer, I have found that my thoughts have turned toward my future after high school; namely, college. This is fairly unprecedented for me, as I am usually the kind of guy who procrastinates like crazy; thinking even a day ahead is a genuinely rare occurrence. I took the SATs late in the last school year, June or something like that, and did VERY well for myself. My overall score was 2300, one of the top scores (I assume) in the school, with Math and Writing accounting for 760 each and CR (usually my weakest subject) supplementing those outstanding scores with a 99th+ percentile 780 points. This resulted in an influx of recruiting letters from establishments of higher learning of great repute, such as Harvard, Yale, Cornell, Dartmouth, MIT, and others. After these results were released, I also recieved the scores for the Advanced Placement tests I also took late in the year. I recieved 5s on every one I had ever taken (5 total) which is the maximum score possible. My inflated ego decided that it needed to protect itself by getting a jump on applications, and here I am, unsure of what to write about for my essays. If anybody has any ideas, feel free to suggest them. I would be very greatful, especially if the ideas are good (; Just kidding, though. It isn't coming up with ideasa that is difficult, it is narrowing them down to the best that is proving troublesome. Anyway, that was my immodest post for the season. Usually I don't brag unless prompted to, and often not even then, but if I don't express my hubris often enough I feel I might be destroyed by the pent-up, unvented pride. Obliterated.

So I finished "The Secret Armory of General Knoxx" expansion for the videogame Borderlands. It was pretty good. The plot was iffy and the ending was pretty anticlimatic but overall I found myself pleased with it. It gave me a chance to practice my no-scoping with my Elephant Gun. (800+ damage, bitches!) I would recommend it to anyone who had the time to dedicate themselves to it for long periods, because unlike the main game it was pretty hard to jump in and out of campaign.

Well, cheers, all. I apologise for the short post that can't really compare to the previous in terms of length, content, or emotion, but this is better than nothing, right?

PS- Also thought of a new painting idea, inspired by Stephen King's The Shining. It MAY be epic. But it WILL be posted. As soon as I follow through with it.

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