Monday, July 19, 2010

Cheers, all. I know I promised a physics post, but I don't think any of you are interested in this at all, anyway. Who cares about Physics? This is the summer, for christ's sake! So, I shall wait until school starts up again before springing this intellectual burden upon you poor, unsuspecting internet-goers.

So life is same-old-same-old. Work, blah. I have made considerable headway on the new portrait I am working on. Having convinced myself that nobody is reading this, I guess I can tell you that Sophie is the subject. If there is nobody to do the telling, then why bother keeping it a secret, amiright? Sofar I have painted the background in pure raw umber (something I prefer to use instead of black. Black ends up being too dark and too blue, and never ends up looking really black enough. Thus, dark brown works excellently. It also blends more smoothly.) and added some of the darks around the left side of the face and around the eyes. Since I had previously done a portrait of myself in blues, it would have been tacky to repeat that cholor scheme, so the entire thing (besides, of course, the umber) will be in shades of red and yellow and everything in between. If I may say so, it looks REALLY good so far. Perhaps once it is finished, I shall quote a song at the bottom or on the back. I am thinking Beatles, either "Hey Jude" or "I Saw Her Standing There". They both have their merits.

Speaking of Art, artscape was this weekend in Baltimore, and I went on Saturday (much to my chagrin, Sophie was not there. I hadn't actually expected her to be there, and it would have simply provided for an extremely awkward situation if it had, but nevertheless I am missing her terribly.). Overall, though, I had a tremendously good time. The music was good, the stalls were exotic, the people were funny, the performers were talented, and the booths sold good art. i bought a tee-shirt of a man punching a bear and another of a grizzly about to swat a defiant penguin. $35 for the lot of them, but it was well worth it.

Also on this weekend, I bought my first teapot. I have been an ameteur tea enthusiast for the better part of a two years now, but until this weekend I had exclusively used teabags. The pot I purchased from Teavana in the Towson mall cost me two hundred smalls for the set (pot and 5 cups) and is made of cast iron in the traditional Chinese style, called hobnail by the store attendant. Thus, they are prone to getting very hot, and are thus suited to cooler teas like white and green, but I made a pot of peach-flavored black tea the other day and it worked out perfectly anyway. I also bought 2 or so oz. of the rarest tea on earth for $18. It is called silver needle and is renowned for its alleged healing properties and age preserving ingredients. it can supposedly be picked on only two days of each year, which is what makes it so rare, and thus so valuable.

Well, that should be enough for a while. Anybody who is too upset over the lack of a physics related post, just leave angry comments at the bottom. I won't mind overmuch. Sophie, if you read this, I just want you to know that Studio II is going to be really awkard next year if you don't come around and start talking to me again, and that I miss hanging out with you and your quirky friends. You should have been more specific when you said that we could still be friends. I thought, like you once said (that we would meet again, some sunny day), that we would end up "BFFs", but you clearly meant "non-conversant pseudo-acquaintences". For those of you not in the loop, we have not exchanged a single word of dialogue since she left me on June 17 at 1:05 in front of my Dad's Loveton townhouse. And this after all of the things we had done? Forgive me internet for complaining, and forgive me Sophie for harping, but I had NO idea that you disliked me this much! As strongly as you insist that there was no catalyst to cause this unfortunate occurence, I am positive that it is impossible for anybody to simply change this fast. One minute you are sucking on the tips of my fingers on your creepy sex bed at your house after introducing me to your family (extended and nuclear), and less than a week later you are prepared to have nothing to do with me. This leaves two possible explanations. You never liked me (even in the smallest) and this whole escapade was merely a pity deal after I asked you out to prom, or I did something to lose your favor. I WANT TO KNOW, Sophie. You cannot possibly understand how distraught I am over this, even now a month later, and even though you will never see this, I IMPLORE you to PLEASE tell me. I fear I will go mad with despair.

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