Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I'm Back...

...and I have a LOT to talk about. But, to save me from running out of material too soon, I will save some of the good stuff for later.

So... first post in a while. Fourth of July was nice, for the most part, but I couldn't help feeling a little bit disappointed. I had planned on asking Sophie down for the weekend to meet the family, but in leu of recent events decided that it was not really appropriate. Down to Ocean City, MD, that is. My grandparents have a place down there that is right on the water, out of the way but still within walking distance to everything good, kinda small in a homey, cozy kinda way, and right next to a beautiful dock where you can get a great view of the sunset. The sunset over water. Now, Soph, I know you said you don't like Ocean City, but if you have the appreciation for natural beauty that I think you do, you would have enjoyed it there enormously.

The weekend was good besides that, though, and I had planty of time for an 18 mile run to the inlet and back. It was pretty stupid of me to go that far while in the abysmal shape that I am in, but it was rewarding. Saw some interesting people and things and even made a new friend. I don't know her name, but she said I kept good pace. *wink wink*. There was a cool boat ride out into some atlantic island where we threw stuff for the dog to fetch. On the way I formulated a hypothesis as to the nature of the universe that will revolutionize physics and out-mode relativity. But that is for another post.

So when I got home from work today (inSANELY hot outside. like 110 degrees kind of hot.) I went into the basement and did some more drawing for a new painting I'm gonna start. Even though there is nobody reading this, I think I'll keep the subject to myself. On the off-chance that somebody I know visits this site... well I don't know how Sophie would react, and I'm trying hard not to estrange her any further (she still is reluctant to talk to me. bah.). It isn't anything gross or queer or socially unacceptable, but it could come off as a little creepy depending on how you look at or if you hear it from the wrong person. Like obsessive kind of creepy. But it isn't. I swear.

Well, that should be enough for now, enough to satiate the hunger of the audient void, or perhaps enough to try it's patience. See (Hear?Read?Write to?) you all later.

PS. I know there are people who are reading this, because who looks at a profile and not the blog? Seriously. Don't hesitate to comment. (be it constructive criticism or downright insulting.) Because, of course, I need the confidence boost.

PPS. I don't really. That was sarcasm.

PPPS. But still feel free to comment ;)

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