formalistic rendering of mah face. mah BEAUTIFUL face.

me with an angry face
So, yeah. I gots some more stuff in the works. I have had to move my makeshift studio into the closet because the paint was fumigating the room. Art (at least the caliber at which I perform) is not worth cancer. (Although I wish I were that good.) Sofar I have almost completed a painting of a hand holding a poppy. Red poppy, like in Wizard of Oz movie. In case you were curious. (Personally I thought the book was better than the movie, but the movie was a classic, so it deserves recognition as well. Plus the whole Dark Side of the Moon sync-up conspiracy theory. Ask me about that some time.) It isn't an opium reference, because Red poppies aren't used in creating narcotics (even though they are toxic to a degree). Opium producing poppies are generally more complex in design and color, often being a purple or blue or gray (grey). It just so happens that someone i am very fond of is very fond of poppies. It's a pretty big painting, the second largest canvas they sold at Michael's art store. I know, I am ashamed to have bought pre-stretched canvas, but I am out of stretcher bars and sheet canvas, so... it's for convenience sake and all that. I also have a portrait lined up and drawn out for when I finish the cast shadows on the big 'un. Not telling who it is, but I'm sure the more attentive readers can figure it out for themselves (*gives a watery smile*). And beyond those I have a painting idea lined up for production that I am gonna start at my Mom's house and finish at Dad's. I have a fairly unique condition called sectoral heterochromia, meaning that a part of one eye is a different color than the rest. In my case, my dominant eye color is a blue-grey (gray) but in the lower left corner of my left eye i have a relatively large smear of amber, which takes up about a third of the iris. It is a pretty rare occurrence. Only 200,000 people in America are said to have regular heterochromia, and according to wikipedia, sectoral (or partial) heterocromia (what I got) is even rarer. So I was going to do a large and very formalistic/ emotionalistic painting of that, perhaps with a little artistic license. Hint: Escher.
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