Monday, July 12, 2010

Just some art I have done.

So, looks like I'm outdoing myself here. Two posts past the predicted limit of 4, and still going strong! Thanks to everyone for the support (*cricket chirps*)... Oh, yes, that's RIGHT! Nobody even visits this site! Well, thats fine then. One day somebody will stumble upon this veritable mine of information and art and be truly amazed, telling all of their friends, before suddenly realizing that the moderator has been dead for over four years. I guess that's okay. And have some art, while we're at it. Physics post for next time, I am thinking. Prepare to be amazed. You might even want to hold your breath. It'll be good.

formalistic rendering of mah face. mah BEAUTIFUL face.

a busted up violin i found in the art room that i thought would make excellent subject matter. strings and brigde are missing, so i coupled it with the bricks and brulap to give it a kind of rubbley/antique feel. inspiration comes from an episode of band of brothers where violinists and a cellist play string quartet in c-sharp minor by michael kamen. it was a moving scene and a beautiful piece, so i wanted to pay homage. they were playing on a pile of rubble after their town was destroyed (in WWII) and the allies had just taken it. they were either swiss or dutch, i cant remember. i think the episode was called "why we fight"

Digital art of guess what, a fist! Up and coming cover art for APUoG's next album.

Digital art for an album cover for A Prevalent Use of Groove's EP, Cherry Red Grouper. Might post that MP3, soon as I figure out how.

my dress shoes

me with an angry face

So, yeah. I gots some more stuff in the works. I have had to move my makeshift studio into the closet because the paint was fumigating the room. Art (at least the caliber at which I perform) is not worth cancer. (Although I wish I were that good.) Sofar I have almost completed a painting of a hand holding a poppy. Red poppy, like in Wizard of Oz movie. In case you were curious. (Personally I thought the book was better than the movie, but the movie was a classic, so it deserves recognition as well. Plus the whole Dark Side of the Moon sync-up conspiracy theory. Ask me about that some time.) It isn't an opium reference, because Red poppies aren't used in creating narcotics (even though they are toxic to a degree). Opium producing poppies are generally more complex in design and color, often being a purple or blue or gray (grey). It just so happens that someone i am very fond of is very fond of poppies. It's a pretty big painting, the second largest canvas they sold at Michael's art store. I know, I am ashamed to have bought pre-stretched canvas, but I am out of stretcher bars and sheet canvas, so... it's for convenience sake and all that. I also have a portrait lined up and drawn out for when I finish the cast shadows on the big 'un. Not telling who it is, but I'm sure the more attentive readers can figure it out for themselves (*gives a watery smile*). And beyond those I have a painting idea lined up for production that I am gonna start at my Mom's house and finish at Dad's. I have a fairly unique condition called sectoral heterochromia, meaning that a part of one eye is a different color than the rest. In my case, my dominant eye color is a blue-grey (gray) but in the lower left corner of my left eye i have a relatively large smear of amber, which takes up about a third of the iris. It is a pretty rare occurrence. Only 200,000 people in America are said to have regular heterochromia, and according to wikipedia, sectoral (or partial) heterocromia (what I got) is even rarer. So I was going to do a large and very formalistic/ emotionalistic painting of that, perhaps with a little artistic license. Hint: Escher.

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