Sunday, June 20, 2010

Trying my hand at poetry

I realize that I am hardly living up to my url right now, but sincenoone is reading this, I think it is okay to some extent, but TWO POSTS within 12 hours?! (absurd! It is an anomaly, I assure you. Don't expect it to happen too often.) I don't know if this is poetry per se, but, ya know. I keep a notepad beside my bed in case I ever think of anything worth remembering (it happens depressingly often) and this is one of the things that I wrote down. I think it's okay. A start, at least.

I have kissed those lips, that nose. I have nibbled that ear, caressed that soft cheek, touched that brow to mine. I have run my fingers through that hair. I have looked into those eyes and seen beauty staring curiously back at me. I have stroked that back, felt it tremble beneath my touch. I have held those hands, tugged playfully on those fingers, felt that gentle breath against my cheek, heard that voice say my name. I have pressed that body to my chest, wanting it never to leave but knowing that it shall. I have laughed to see those feet beside mine, tickling me, and I have suffered to see them walk away. I have shed those tears, for I have loved that woman.

so that is how I feel.

PS. Don't Judge Me!

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