Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Okay, I kinda got tired of the video playing every time I come to this page, so I kinda took it down. Check out www.roosterteeth.com/archive/?id=1344 if you're still interested.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Alright, now I am definitely overdoing it

Okay, um. Right. This whole thing still feels a bit like a new toy, so it's getting really hard to put down. Beyond that, summer vacation has started. "Go outside, you freak," you might say, but then I could also point out that you are obviously not outside (and thus a filthy, lying Communist. I mean hyppocrite. I got nothing against Communists. Even if they are stinking pinko bastards), as you are currently on the computer, telling me to go outside. Or, even worse, you are using a computer outside. I just feel that, now that school has formally let out, I have nothing to do. I have already reached my weekly quota for running (10 miles) in two days, so I really don't want to overuse this (plus my legs feel like jell-o). I have nearly finished a 30'-40'ish oil painting (an further 10+ hours) and am kinda worn out on that activity. I finished 1984 (by George Orwell, not Van Halen) again, and the only book in the house that I haven't finished is Crime and Punishment. I might go do that... oh WAIT it's at my DAD'S HOUSE. So I think you can see what I am doing here- I AM BORED OUT OF MY FREAKING MIND. At least work starts on Tuesday- teaching ten year olds how to shoot air rifles and compound bows, in addition to making sure they don't fall off the zipwire. Yeah it will be eventful. I predict that one of the Green Groupers will definitely break something ten minutes in, or that John from Red Group will try to climb the zipwire while no one is around. So, in summary: Bored, Work will be a disaster, and Bored. Hey, I get off at 5. If anyone wants to show up at Padonia after then I can get you in for eight dollars or whatever it is. Just give me a ring.

[PS] I'm thinking of changing the password for this to something that i can't remember. Y'know, to limit my time doing stuff like this.

[PPS] Maybe "bgr3nht4". I could make that work, or rather, not. ;)

Trying my hand at poetry

I realize that I am hardly living up to my url right now, but sincenoone is reading this, I think it is okay to some extent, but TWO POSTS within 12 hours?! (absurd! It is an anomaly, I assure you. Don't expect it to happen too often.) I don't know if this is poetry per se, but, ya know. I keep a notepad beside my bed in case I ever think of anything worth remembering (it happens depressingly often) and this is one of the things that I wrote down. I think it's okay. A start, at least.

I have kissed those lips, that nose. I have nibbled that ear, caressed that soft cheek, touched that brow to mine. I have run my fingers through that hair. I have looked into those eyes and seen beauty staring curiously back at me. I have stroked that back, felt it tremble beneath my touch. I have held those hands, tugged playfully on those fingers, felt that gentle breath against my cheek, heard that voice say my name. I have pressed that body to my chest, wanting it never to leave but knowing that it shall. I have laughed to see those feet beside mine, tickling me, and I have suffered to see them walk away. I have shed those tears, for I have loved that woman.

so that is how I feel.

PS. Don't Judge Me!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

First post evar

Well folks, here it is. My first blog post. Ever. I will try not to disappoint, but as I probably should have noted in the description, I honestly don't give a shit about you guys. I am probably typing to nobody right now, and these bytes of memory that i am using will be stored, unaccessed, somewhere on a server linked to this glorious creation of Al Gore's. The reason why I started this whole shebang is basically to vent my feelings if I'm in the mood, discuss random ideas I have if I'm in the mood, and just rant if I'm in the mood. I got the idea partially from and partially because of my (now ex) girlfriend. She has a photo-blog thing going (i think on this same site), and after she broke up with me I just needed somehwere to express myself. I was really into her, and you know how it is... I thought it was going great until she popped in on me one day. I was reading in a tree when she showed up on my doorstep. Then she just dumped me. I know, right? And the whole reason? I told her I loved her. I meant it, too. Crazy about her. But she doesn't return my feelings anymore, so she cut it. Yeah, I'm pretty bummed, but running and painting has helped me keep my mind almost off of things for the last few days. I haven't given up, though, internet. I still love her with all my heart, and if I play the cards right, I might get me a second chance. And if not, well the few weeks we were together were the best of my life, and I guess the memories thereof shall have to suffice. Wish me luck, nonexistent readers?